* when we are at church and I can't find him the chances are pretty good he is in the pastors offices. He loves Pastor Paul because he reads to him and he loves Pastor Shawn because he has a toy Yoda in his office.
* he tells us he wants to be a Pastor one day and I believe him and think with his personality it would be a great fit!
* he has such a kind heart. Pastor Paul had a heart attack at the end of April. We were able to give him a call a last week. Red told him he wanted to give him one of his toys to make him feel better.
* his smile...not the forced one he gives when we try and get pictures. Enough said.
* he has a temper to match his red hair but on the opposite side he is so sweet and snuggly. We are working at taming the temper and I can see a huge difference in him already.
* his humor...though I can't really put it into words...it's just funny and cute.
* his passion about all things Star Wars, Karate and Buzz Lightyear, yeah I know he is all over the place with those passions but that is what makes him HIM.
Well I only meant to do 4 things because that is his age but I did 7 and I could go on look at this face!
Dear Red,
I am so glad that God chose to place you in our care. You have been a blessing to our family and have grown your daddy and I in our parenting endeavor. We all love you so much. Can't wait to see how God uses you in the future to bring Him glory. You are certainly a handful but I wouldn't trade you for the world. I hope you have a great 4th birthday.
Love, Mama
Stay tuned for pictures of the banquet/prom that J and I went to on Friday night! We had a great time and as always I enjoyed getting all dolled up for a night out with my hubby.
Happy Birthday! He does have a great smile... and I suppose, being a boy and all, he has to have some mischief to him!!
Happy Birthday, little man!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!!
Happy Birthday Tanner! Hope you had a fun Sunday School class getting to put pennies into the cake!
-Auntie Abbie
I can hardly believe you're 4 already, Red!!! Where does the time go? Hope you had a super birthday!:)
Happy Birthday RED!!
Happy Birthday REd!
Love that face! Happy Birthday, Red!
Happy 4th Birthday Red..
He is just two days younger then my Little Man, who turned 4 on May 14.
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