I had a little time yesterday to go through some of the pictures on the DVD we got at Disney all the other pictures are being held captive at our old house on our big computer. One day I hope to get them back. So without further ado here are some I thought were cute but I didn't get to go through all 300 of them!

I also wanted to take this time to document how wonderful my hubby is. Last week he told me that his parents wanted to have us over for lunch on Sunday. Nothing out of the ordinary there. We went over and his mom made a yummy lunch like always. Then we put the kids down for some naps. He had mentioned to me that he was going to ask his parents to watch the kids so we could go out and talk about all the things that are going on with us right now. Well at about 2:30 he comes to me and says, "Are you ready to get going?" I thought for sure we were just going to hang out around the house because a football game was on. We got in the van and he started driving. I asked where we were going and he hands me an envelope. I was being to wonder at this point what is going on! I open it and inside is tickets to see Blue Man Group at 4pm. I was so shocked. I kept saying."Is this for real? Are we really going to see them?" He told me it was my birthday present...which my birthday is at the end of the month and it is my golden birthday and he has already made it a special one! I love him so much and I love that he did that for me. Last year for my 30th he threw me a surprise party. I love being fussed over on my birthday and he does a great job :) The best part it isn't my birthday yet...
Those are some great Disney pics!:) What a sweet hubby you have...yeah for special b-day surprises!
Great Disney pictures! Lucky you getting to see the Blue Man Group. Should be a good time!
Great photos!! And what a sweet husband you have!! I know you two had the best time!!
Some great pictures..........Can't wait to see more!
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