Welcome to my humble abode! Please come in and watch out for the toys, all over the floor. I tried to tell the kids we were having company. But alas, they don't care, who am I kidding. Would you like to sit down and hold Peanut. She has her party dress on.
I'll go get us something to drink. I made strawberry banana smoothies! I also have some cheese and crackers if you get hungry. Here is your smoothie, but be careful because Peanut is at the stage where she is starting to grab at things, I wouldn't want her to spill the smoothie all over you.
Also beware that Buzz LightYear is running around the house somewhere and he likes to get people with his laser pointer.
He likes to party by jumping on the couch.
He seems to be entertaining Peanut and himself pretty well!
Oh look spidey joined us...this is my 5 year old, who we refer to as Monkey on here, as he is a lot like a monkey child.
Here comes my oldest (7yrs old) in her best party dress as not to be out done by her baby sister!
Now that you've met the kids...you can see I'm busy and there is never a dull moment in our house. I tend to blog about our happenings and the funny things my kids say and do through the day, if I remember! I've been married to my husband for over 8 years and sometimes it still feels like we are newlyweds and sometimes it feels like we've been married for over a hundred years ;) I hope you enjoyed your time at my party and I hope that you will come by again, soon!
Oh one last thing...my friend Belinda has an online store called Bellissimama. She is giving a discount of 15% off any purchase from her site by letting her know you got there from my blog!
To get back to the party links click HERE
As for the prizes I would like to win my top 6 are:
#61 from The Very Cool Lunchbox or #119 Personalized Lunchbox
#19 Klean Kanteen Sippy Cup or #137 BPA free Sippy Cup sampler
#29 Baby Girl Bracelets
#63 $50 Gift Certificate
I would also enjoy winning #8, any of the blog designs #24, #45, #67 or any of the stationary prizes such as #40 and #57
Oh strawberry banana smoothies are my favorite! And I have a couple Buzz Lightyears flyin around my house, too!
Tonya, I finally found you! LOL I write that because I have posted below you on about 10 blogs now! Your children are beautiful!!! Happy party!
What beautiful kids & great hospitality!!
I was ready for a treat & that strawberry smootie was terrific!!
thanks for having us over....please come visit the paRtY going on at my blog when you get a chance!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I enjoyed reading yours and your kids are absolutely adorable. I'll be back!
That's cute your kids got all dressed up. We love smoothies around here too! They taste great and are good for us to!
I feel very welcome at your "home" on the net! You have super cute kiddos~ all dressed up!
Happy partying!
Your children are adorable. I particularly love the Spider Man picture. Glad to have come to your party. :-)
Holy smokes, SOMEONE turned my computer speakers way loud and I got the fright of my life when your music kicked in!!! You've got a great party going on here -- I love the live entertainment!! That's one thing I kinda forgot to mention on my blog -- my kids. Isn't that awful? I have a Peanut, too, but she's my 6-yr old. The younger one's nickname is Fidget, cuz, well, she can't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time.
Thanks for stopping by my party! I hope to see you again soon!
Your party post was so cute... I feel like I am right at home... I have lots of superheroes running around my house (3 boys, enough said :)
See you around!!!
Happy Blog Party Week!! Thanks for stopping by and inviting me. I am a mom of 4 as well!!
See you around.
Thanks for stopping by the Club! My son loves Spider Man and kept saying "Man, Man" when he saw this post. Nice meeting you!
What a lovely family you have!
So nice to meet you :) Enjoy the party, and please stop by and say hello sometime :)
What a cute party post! Your family is adorable and I'm sure that they keep you hopping! I look forward to reading more :)
Thanks for visiting my blog party (http://usr-bin-mom.com) and entering my photo giveaway!
It's great to "meet" you, and have a Happy Blog Party!
Hi Tonya! I'll hold Peanut while you go get the cheese and crackers. In the meantime, I'll dodge Buzz and Spidey and me and the princess will play hide-n-seek. *grin*
Your kids are adorable and I BET you're busy! They all look healthy and happy so you must be doing something right! *smile*
It was great to meet you and I hope you're enjoying the party!
Write From Karen
Sweet party music! Woo Hoo. Cute kids and thank you for stopping by to give thanks. Happy party hopping.
Hey thanks for visiting my site and all the wonderful comments. Thanks!
I love your blog, I'm so glad I stopped by. You have a beautiful family and the smoothie was delicious!! Enjoy the party!!
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me
Hi Tonya!! Great party!! How did you get a picture of my little buzz lightyear though?!? :) My 4 yr old does that all day long!! ZAP!!
Thanks for stopping by my party! I would love to hold Peanut. I am a baby person. Enjoy the parties.
Your kids are sooo cute! Your blog is great! (Mine is so pathetic! Thanks for stopping at my site, and enjoy!
Your kids are adorable! Tell Spiderman that I saw Venom running around here earlier :) Happy Party!
Princesses and Superheroes! Can't beat that. :) Have a great week and enjoy the parties!
OK, Peanut has the most pinchable cheeks EVER!! She's so cute, as are all your kiddos! I will hold her any time, even if she spills on me, cause I will help myself to one of those smoothies you are makin'!!
Thanks for a great party and next time I will be sure to dress up! ; )
Hello! The smoothie sounds sooooo good! =)
I have a couple of monkeys and princess running around here ... in fact one is a monkey princess because she is the one climbing trees, but she does it in dresses LOL!
Great party and your children are adorable
Cool party! :)
Happy partying on UB! :)
I'm inviting you over to Hip Mama's Place for cool, fab giveaways for moms, a fun message board, and a blog directory to list your blog.
Thanks! :)
Hi Tonya
Thanks for partying with us in the Bahamas. I'm so glad you have found Emily Rose and will cross my fingers for you in the prize drawing! Great to meet you and your gorgeous family!
Okay, I am just cracking up. My 6yo has lived in his buzz lightyear suit for the past 3 years. It is so small on him now that the seams are ripping. And my 7yo lives in a spiderman suit! Too funny!
Oh my goodness, your children are precious - great pics!
I remember when dress ups was the perfect answer to a rainy day!
Thank you for dropping by our place and enjoy the rest of your week!
Your kids are just adorable!!
Too cute! Happy Partying... smiles!
Your kids are funny. Of course you have your hands full. Don't we all?
Have fun!
What a fabulous hostess you are! The smoothie was wonderful and your children are adorable. Thanks for stopping by my place. Enjoy the celebration!
thanks for stopping by! great to meet you!
Thanks for coming by and inviting me to your party - I really enjoyed meeting your family!!!
Your peanut, princess and super heroes are adorable ... I'm sure you already knew that!!
Thanks again - I will be back!
Becky Jo
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
You said "I have 11 siblings" That must heaps of fun, especially when you were a kid! What number are you?
We love living in a big family to.
I have a few princesses and a superman and a mister stalker (ya know the one that doesn't dress up anymore) Strawberry smoothie sounds good right now. Goodl uck on the contest.
Those pics are fabulous! I am not allowing my boys to see them because if they see that Spiderman costume they will want it IMMEDIATELY.
So cute!
Happy blog party! I guess it's over now, but I'm still returning visits.
Yummmm, I love smooties!! And what a lovely family.
Thanks for inviting me to your party.
I enjoyed my visit. Your photos are precious! Your blog is very fun.
You are a busy mama!
I'm so impressed with all the partying you've been able to do. I didn't get to as many blogs as I hoped to and I only have two boys! Oh well. Thankfully they leave the links up...I plan to continue to check out some blogs over the next week or so. We'll see.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by. It was wonderful to meet you and the smoothie was quite inviting as well.
Hi Tonya, Sorry to stop by so late (we had quite a week at our house including a broken elbow, surgery and an overnight stay at the hospital for my princess) - but things are better now and I wanted to let you know that .....
YOU WON! This summer I will be sending you a copy of my children's book, My Name is Not Isabella.
Yeay, Confetti streamers, balloons released, doves released (okay, no doves, we were too cheap for doves).
Please contact me to let me know your mailing address. jenfos at yahoo dot com.
Remember that the books are not available yet. They are currently at the printers, so probably over the summer, so it will be a nice reminder of a great blog party. I hope that if you like it when you get it, you will spread the news.
If you forgot what I am talking about, come back and visit me at:
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