Saturday, August 01, 2009

Unexpected Computer time

The two oldest are doing crafts and are content. Red is sleeping and Peanut isn't. She needs to be sleeping but she is fighting it. I thought I would come sit in the room so she stayed in bed and will fall asleep. Since I am trapped until she gives up and goes to sleep I thought I would update my bloggy blog!

I truly can't believe how fast summer is flying by. Yesterday ended the last day of VBS at the kids' school. I wish I could say it was a great time by right before the picnic started Red fell and cut his face. All the moms there said I should have him checked out so I took him to the ER and they put dermabond on it. It is basically glue stitches. I felt so bad for the little guy he gets hurt and then he doesn't get to play with his friends because I took him to the ER. He was a trooper. I just had to stop typing to answer the phone and it was the hospital calling to see how he was doing today. What customer service! Anyways, our summer from here on out is jam packed with stuff with a few open days here or there but before we know it we will be saying hi to THE Mouse! Then two days after we get back school starts. I am a little torn about school starting this year. The kids aren't they are super excited and have really great teachers this coming year but I always miss them so much when they are gone. Plus, Peanut is going to be so sad not to have them here. Red is going 4 half days and 1 full day so I can do my women's Bible study. We have really had a great summer with NO television. I am really starting to think that is the devil...not really but close to it. They have been happier and kinder little people with out it. Well she FINALLY fell asleep after laying down for 20 minutes. She is going to give me a run for my money ;)

This is the kids in 2006 visiting the Mouse!


Cynthia said...

This summer has flown by...We haven't had ANY summer weather at all. It's been so weird. Back to school...that's CRAZY!

Kristin said...

Sorry to hear about Tanner's owie...hope he heals FAST. It's getting closer for Mouse time!!!

sarahgrace said...

Oh mah goodness... can't believe how little Red looks in that picture! Glad he is doing okay. Poor little guy.
Selah got a black eye from falling on her sippy cup the other day, and she looks so forlorn!

hestermom said...

Yeah, after the second time of getting stitches on our first boy, we invested in Liquid Band-Aid. Just good to have around. =)