Wednesday, April 07, 2010


I know food and houses have been the only thing I have been talking about lately so I thought I would break out and give a quick kid by kid update I'll start with my oldest.

GG: She just got a cabbage plant from school (yesterday) and wants to try and win the 1,000 college scholarship for growing the biggest one. She is starting to research it with my help. She is writing stories like crazy. She has started to type out one of them, so that is really neat to see her work so focused on it. She is turning into such a beautiful person. We are going away for a night at the end of this month just her and I with some mom and daughters from church so that should be really fun.

Monkey: He is still biting his finger nails like he is trying to eat his flesh. We have tried everything and last night his dad gave him an incentive that if he stopped by the time it was his birthday (end of July) and his hands were healed we would talk about letting him get a DS. I just really hope this works, his hands look so bad. Before break he had a lead role in the 2nd grade play. He did such a great job with all his lines. Very proud of him. Only a few more months and he is out of a carseat he is very excited about that!

Red: He is actually learning a lot of new things lately. He learned how to tie his shoes 3 days ago and is a pro at it already! So nice, one more step of independence. Over break we took his training wheels off his bike, though he is really scared of it even though he can touch the ground flat footed. He is plugging along at it. I can't believe he will be 5 next month. He was my smallest baby and he has gotten so big. His reading is improving daily, too.

Peanut: This girl is TROUBLE! I have learned her body language quite well seeing as it is only her and I all. day. long. When she knows she isn't suppose to be doing something she will do one of two things. She will hide with it under the kitchen table or she was hide it under her back (mainly when she is in bed for nap time). She is learning the ropes still and all in all she really isn't that mischievous. I think she just misses her play pals when they are at school. That will change next year because Red will be home in the afternoons.

J and I: we are still looking for a house to call home. It is very stressful. I hate the phrase "it's a buyers market" because have you seen the houses out there?! They aren't all that great for the money. We are going to look at some more houses tomorrow afternoon so we'll see if that yields any promise. Other than that I am reading a book on birth order and it is so interesting to me. I have only got the first chapter read but I like it. I have the book The Last Song on hold at the library. I want to read the book before I see the movie, I'm weird like that ;)


Cynthia said...

Good luck on the house hunt. I've found the whole process to be stressful. I hope you find your house:)

Kristin said...

Great update...lots going on with all of you!:)

Diva's Thoughts said...

I'm hoping that the housing market improves really soon and people start buying again because I want to put my house on the market in a few months and I sure don't want to have to sit on it for months!