Saturday, November 27, 2004

Remember how I said GlamorGirl wanted to build a snowman in the snow? Well that night J promised that she could play in the snow in the morning, which is Thanksgiving morning. It was very convenient of him considering he had to work in the morning. Well I couldn't disappoint her so on Thanksgiving morning GG, Monkey and I got bundled up and we went outside to play in the snow. Our neighbor from across the street came out to play with us and so did our neighbors behind us and across the street from them. So there was a 7 yr old, almost 4 yr old (GG), 3 1/2 yr old, 3 yr old, and 2 1/2 yr old (Monkey) along with 3 adults. The kids had fun! And so did I actually :) After the snow we came in the house and had some hot chocolate to warm up. We snuggled in a blanket on the couch and watched a movie! When J got home we went to some friends house for Thanksgiving. There was about 35 people there and the kids had a blast. These friends have known J since he was Monkey's age so they are very much like family. Every year we go around the room and say what we are thankful for the usually ends in crying. I know I did some. But it is neat to see what is going on in our peoples lives. GG and Monkey even shared what they were thankful for and it was mommy and daddy, but very sweet! We didn't get home until 9 so the kids had a late night two nights in a row, we didn't get home from church until 9 the night before. Last night when J got home we put up the Christmas tree, which is a tradition, it is always done the day after Thanksgiving. The kids did a great job helping. Our house looks so homey and Christmasy! The stockings are hanging on the fireplace. I believe the only presents J and I have left to buy are my dad and step-mom and each other. Everyone else is done and that is a wonderful feeling and the bank isn't completely broke, yet. We charged most of the presents!!! We have two days left of vacation and then it is back to school we go. I think then we have 3 weeks of school and then Christmas break. Sounds good to me!!! Happy Holidays to everyone :)

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