Thursday, December 09, 2004

Today was so nice because it was teacher appreciation day at school. They gave us each a sports chair with the school name on it and they made us lunch, with appetizers and dessert! The lunch was so delicious! Speaking of delicious it is really cute when Monkey says that word, usually talking about my food :) J told me the other day when he took GG to the store for Christmas presents and groceries, she was yelling at the top of her lungs, the song We Wish you a Merry Christmas. He said everyone looked at her and just smiled. I thought it was cute. Then when they were at the deli waiting she had the number J gave it to her, she looked at it and said, "I'm number 11, I'm number 11..." He said it was hilarious and I can only imagine it was given her spunky personality. Tonight at dinner time GG asked for something and said, "But I don't want to pay taxes." J just looked at her and she said, "You know taxes means money dad!" What a little smartie...where did she learn that?

This afternoon the kids and I went through all their toys, got rid of some and moved others into GG's room. In the afternoons they play with the toys while I do whatever needs to be done around the house. Some days they are best friends and others I have to go in there every two minutes, siblings! So from now on they are going to spend quiet time in their own rooms playing with their toys. Afterwards they will be able to play together. Hopefully this will solve this problem...

One more thing, I promise! Monkey has stopped taking naps so far this week. It is awesome he goes to sleep around 6:30 to 7pm and he sleeps all night long. Then GG goes to sleep at 7 to 7:15pm so J and I have time together. I really hope they don't change this schedule.

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