Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I have really been slacking on this blog. I really don't only think about food...haha. Though you would think I do. Anyway, I am really struggling right now with my youngest offspring. I know I mentioned in a previous post how she is with eating but it doesn't stop there with her. The last two days she fights me on naps. She is 2 1/2 years old and she IS going to take a nap. I need the break from her for my sanity and her well being. Yesterday she laid in the bed for over an hour and a half sucking on her arm so that she wouldn't fall asleep. She had the biggest hickey. I practically had to lay on her to go to sleep 2 hours after I had put her to bed. Today she didn't take a nap for me. I finally had to let her up so we could go get the kids from school. Then she fell asleep in the car on the way home at 4pm. People this is NOT a good time for a toddler to be napping. But we had church tonight and I knew she would be beyond bearable if I didn't let her sleep so she got about an hour nap. Now it is 9:20pm and she is laying next to me in the bed talking. At least she is laying down though. I just really don't know what to do with her. It is driving me CRAZY. I just don't know how much more of this I can take before I loss all sanity. How do you get a 2 year old to take naps without basically strapping them to the bed and gluing their eye lids shut?! I would never do either one of those things but I feel like that is my only hope of getting her to sleep. I just have to keep telling myself that I have to be consistent and stay on top of her with this testing her boundaries and it will get better but man is she really sticking it out for the long haul. I really truly do not remember my other children being this strong willed. Well tomorrow is a new day and hopefully one of a nap for a 2 year old. Please pray for me. Oh Lord give me the patience and strength to deal with this stubborn 2 year old in all areas. Ok I feel somewhat better...


Anonymous said...

Well what works for me is that I tell them we are having quiet time. They have to go to their rooms and stay in the bed. They can play or lay down but they have to stay in the bed and it must be quiet. Some days they fall asleep some days they don't. I just made it be quiet time for all of us so that they did not think I was forcing them to nap. When I get really stressed I just call for quiet time and for the most part they behave and cooperate with it. It helps them to just rest and me to be able to think a full sentence without someone grabbing at my leg or someone screaming about something! Just a thought!

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

My twins stopped napping at 2 1/2 (sorry-I was sorry for me too :-(...) I just got tired of fighting with them about napping. Nothing I did worked.

I will tell you that some of their peers (they are almost 4) still nap, but go to bed at 9 pm or so, and mine are in bed and asleep by 7:30 pm, no exceptions. They are exhausted by then.

Good luck. I get you. I understand needing the santity.

Tonya said...

She has such a long days that she absolutely needs a nap and as her mom I can't just let her have quiet time because we would all suffer her crankiness. When my kids get over tired it is bad news. But thanks for the thoughts Andrea! I usually start quiet time around 3years old.

Anonymous said...

John gave up his nap at 2 1/2-3. Nicholas napped until he got to kindergarten and James naped until he was 4. So when John gave his up I was upset. We do rest time in the afternoon. Time for him to look at books or listen to music, or a show. I know it is hard having older kids that have things to do in the evening and not having younger ones cranky or me cranky. But John ususally goes to bed at 6:45 or 7 then sleep until 6:30 in the morning. Really don't know if that helps you but that is what is working for us.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot to sign the last message it was from Stacy Bierman

Tonya said...

Stacy thanks! Once I read your kids names I knew who you were :) but thanks for clarify!

Trish said...

Oh, this sounds so much like one of my twins. She fought me on everything from food to naps to getting in the car seat - you name it! I wish I could remember exactly what I did, especially at nap time, because like you I KNEW she needed the nap. I just made sure that eventually I won - I think there was definitely crying involved on both of our parts. She is still strong-willed, but she really chilled out a lot at 4. It is such a contrast to my son and even her twin sister (even though she definitely has some spunk too!)