I started babywearing right after my babies were born. I love the ability to keep my babies close and do things I needed to get done at the same time. We could go on an outing and I could keep the baby warmer this way!

(Peanut not even a month old)
We could take the kids to fun places like the children's museum and the baby could still get a nap while being carried in the mei tai...

Water slings make swimming so much easier with babies!

Hiking is much easier too!

They get to experience things up close while in the sling.

Sometimes it just makes parenting so much more FUN!

Over the last almost 10 years (wow, it is going to be 10 years in a 3 months) of parenting the sling has been the one item I have used with all 4 of my babies. Whether it is to use the sling for one of the ways mentioned above or to comfort a fussy baby or just to reconnect I have loved my slings and cherish the memories of slinging all of my kiddos.
CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) is going after all slings, pouches, mei tais, and the like. It makes me so sad. And as much as I feel for the parents who experienced such tragedy I know that slings are safe, healthy, wonderful additions to parenting if used correctly. Steph at
Adventures in Babywearing are calling all mothers who have worn or are wearing their babies to speak out and tell parents that babywearing is SAFE.
Thanks for posting and linking up! :)
I enjoyed this post. I never tried a sling but you make it look so easy. I used a baby backpack alot, even to do housework, and the old baby on the hip method. Mom's learn to do a lot with one hand.
I saw a comment on Facebook that there was going to be a big recall coming out today. Haven't seen it yet, but that's really too bad. Drake loved the Moby Wrap and now our Ergo! Thanks for posting.
Look at you in the POOL! :) You've taken great photos!!
I had a hot sling and it never felt comfortable. Then I tried a moby wrap but not until Jake was 6 months old. I am def going to use the moby wrap more with this next kiddo. I love the idea of it I just didn't do it often enough to get comfortable with it. What would you say was the one sling that you used the most?
I sent an email to Melissa but thought in case someone else had the same question I would answer it here too. My favorite sling and the one I used the most was the Maya Wrap (the blue one pictured). I was the most comfortable with it and could use it in many different positions. I was even able to nurse in it :)
So fun to look at your babywearing pics! There's always something, someone needs to find they think is "unsafe". I say..."sling 'em up, wrap 'em up...GO SLINGS"!!;)
Babies NEED to be held! They say most carseats are installed incorrectly, which can lead to injury and worse, but we still have them because the risk outweighs the potential for harm. Really, I do worry about what is going to happen in the next few years when all the babies who spent their entire infancy in a carrier rather than in their mother's arms...
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