Sunday, September 18, 2011

Father/Daughter weekend!

Every once in awhile my dad likes to spend some one on one time with his grown kids. I want to do this with my kids one day too. We had been talking about getting together for awhile but birthdays came up for my kids and their day with grandma and grandpa came before my dad/daughter date. Well my cousin, really she is my dad's cousin, got married this weekend. I call her my cousin because she is a year younger than me and we grew up playing together in the summer so she was really more like my cousin then my dad's. Anyway, my dad and I decided that we would make her wedding our time together. We left on Saturday morning for the wedding that was at 2pm. We got to town around noon and had lunch with some family members. Then we went to the wedding. Oh my this was the most interesting wedding ceremony I have ever been to. The priest was talking about 911 and a couple holding hands jumping to their death and then likening my cousin and her husband to the twin towers. It was in horrible taste. The ceremony was redeemed when the couple read their own personal wedding vows to which they both cried, so sweet. After the wedding we had about 3 hours to kill before the reception. My dad had gotten wind of my cousin's sons football game at 3:30 so we decided to head over there and watch the game before going to the reception. It was a beautiful sunny day and more family members where there. My dad's family is big, he is one of 7 kids and there are something like 24 cousins. The reception was beautiful. We ate, danced, laughed and talked...good times. Then comes the funny part well funny now but not then. We went back to the hotel at 10:30pm. I got ready for bed and went to sleep. My dad turned on the tv and watched some sport updates. At about 2:15 I woke to a noise that sounded like a train was coming right through our room. It freaked me out until I realized it was my dad snoring! I walked over and shook him and told him to stop snoring. He replied, "I don't snore." I went and got some tissue and stuffed it in my ears and then held a pillow over my ears to help drowned out the snoring. It didn't help so I shook him 2 more times before I had enough. At 3:30am I grabbed a pillow and blanket and went to my car and slept in there. Finally I was able to fall back to sleep though it was a tight squeeze sleeping in the back seat. I went back inside around 8:30am when I woke up. I'm so glad I choose to go outside and sleep because I would of been so tired the rest of the day today. After we checked out we headed back home. We got back around lunch time so we went to the Mall and ate at Cheesecake Factory, YUMMY. Then we went shopping. I got two new pairs of jeans!!! Now I am home alone and thought I'd update the good ole blog before I go do all the things that need to be done before tomorrow morning like unpacking and making tomorrow's dinner, I am working tomorrow during the day. 


Adina said...

the question is was sleeping in the car worth the 2 pair of jeans?
i think so...;)

Tonya said...

yes yes it was! They were from the buckle. I love that store, never have a found jeans to fit me so well :)