Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My baby turns 4!!!

This girl is something else. She certainly has kept me on my toes. I love her something fierce but no one can get me as mad as fast as she can. Wow that girl is a lot like me. She is strong willed to the core and I am really hoping that that will help her in life one day. She is my little me, heaven help me! Today was a day that I worked so yesterday we went on a field trip to celebrate her last day as a 3 year old. We went to the zoo. I got two free passes from the that place. Then my wonderful friend who has a membership had a few free tickets for the dolphin show, stingray bay and the motor safari. On a typical visit we would of just walked around and looked at the animals that were free to look at but since I had these tickets for myself the child tickets were cheaper I bought them. I am so glad I did. It was really cool to see the dolphin show, though we did get wet and that is what Peanut tells everyone about that show! I didn't think I was going to get her out of the stingray bay. That girl LOVED petting the stingray. I must admit that was pretty cool. They were an interesting feeling that's for sure. Then we got to take a ride on the tram and see animals and have them explained while resting. It was nice and it made my feet not hurt so much at the end of the day. We left just in time to pick the other kids up from school, score. Today I had Bible study at my friend's house. She has 4 boys. I told her she was going to watch a movie while we did Bible study but I warned her there weren't going to be any princess movies because they didn't have any girls. Her response, "I bet they DO have princess movies. If they have a princess movie you have to give me a kiss. And if they don't have a princess movie I have to give you a kiss." Sounds like a good deal to me!!! She says some of the funniest things, and where did she learn this betting thing?!?! After Bible study we came home and put on warmer clothes it didn't get as warm as predicted and did school work. Then we met Jeff for lunch and she opened her cards and present from us, a Tangled dress up dress. Now she can be Rapunzel :) After lunch we headed over to my nanny job. I let the girls play instead of fighting them to take a nap because we had to pick the kids up from school at 3:35. Then it was off to church for Awana and Children's Choir. I now have 3 kids in the choir. Can't wait for them all to be in it! I know that my little princess felt loved today. She got phone calls, facebook messages and in person Happy Birthdays with hugs. Oh I almost forgot when she woke up this morning and saw her door decorate she says, "I'm the birthday girl. I can't believe I'm the birthday girl." She was just so excited for it to be HER birthday today. I just love her so much.

Dear Peanut,
These last 4 years have changed my life more than you will ever know. I love your sweet little personality. Your smile lights up the room. I am so glad God gave you as my daughter to love and teach. You truly have blessed our whole family. I love you Peanut!
Love, Mommy


Diva's Thoughts said...

Aaaaaaawwww! 4 yrs old is precious. Nerve wrecking but precious. aaawwww. I love it.

Adina said...

Oh, Peanut!!! Happy Birthday to her!!! Sounds like you had so much fun!

Kat said...

Awww. Happy Birthday to your little four year old. Sounds like she had a great day! :)