Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Oh my do I love my kids! Last night Monkey was playing in his room and when he got tired at about 8 he came into my bed and said, "Mommy, I want to snuggle with you. I will protect you." Then he puts his little arms around my neck and falls asleep. He is so sweet. I really don't know how he is going to protect me while he is sleeping :) This morning GG informed me that when she wears pants she looks like a boy. Apparently she can only look like a girl in a dress! Today at school was GG's teachers birthday along with her friend Ezra. So they got cupcakes! Monkey ended up coming to school later because J subbed for the High School. Now he is at soccer practice. Between school and practice J informed me that Monkey needs to go to school tomorrow because he has to go to a funeral for a co-workers mother. GG over heard us talking about it and she wanted to know who died. She gets so sad about death so I explained to her that his mom was really old, really sick and in a lot of pain and now she is no longer sick or in pain so it is a good thing she died so she doesn't hurt anymore. That put a smile on her face. She doesn't like people to be in pain or hurt. Well I need to finish my grocery list...what fun!

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