Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mother/Daughter bonding...

GlamorGirl got a gift card for her birthday back in January and I finally felt well enough to take her shopping! We had a great time. On the way to the store I showed her the ultrasound of the baby and asked what she thought. She said, "It definitely looks like a girl!" I wasn't far enough along to tell the gender yet! Then she asks me what I want the baby to be...I had to really think hard before answering this question because I really want a GIRL too. So my reply was, "I want the baby to be healthy." She said, "No mom. A boy or a girl." I was thinking nuts now what do I say? So after a quick little prayer to God I said, "Well there are reasons why I would want both. I would like to have a girl so that you could have a sister and I could have fun dressing her up like I did with you. But I would want a boy so that she can be the only girl and be my only little princess." That seemed to make her happy and that conversation was ended. Then she says, "Mom do you know what tree like to drink?" Me a little confused at this question says, "water?!" She screams, "No they like 'ROOT' beer!" She is so funny sometimes. By this time we were at the store so we began our shopping. She has a gift card for $25 and everything she bought was on sale...that's my girl the little bargain shopper. She ended up with a long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt, a pair of pants, nice new pink sunglasses, and a princess book. Ok, so she went over by 3 dollars but I thought she did great and we both had fun.


Anonymous said...

I love shopping with my oldest. When she has gift cards, she always wants to save some for later. She is so funny!

Hope you are feeling well!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I can't wait to do the same with my daughter! That was a great answer you gave her about the girl/boy thing, btw!

corrie said...

quick thinking! i would never have come up with something THAT good! an answer to appease all audiences!

i love reading you blog and hearing the funny things your kids say and do... i can't wait for finn to start talking! or maybe i can... i don't know! hehe.