Sunday, January 31, 2010


There is so much temptation around our family regarding food. It is so frustrating and annoying. But it is apart of our lives. It is especially hard when they come into our home. Last night J made homemade truffles to take the work...well they are in our house waiting to go to work and some of them have gone into my belly because I am so weak! They taste SO good. Other temptations are when we are out and about like grocery shopping and they have samples. Why can't I EVER pass up a free sample of something? UGH. Another way they creep into our homes and lives is with candy rewards at school. I really wish our school would adopt the no candy policy that all the other schools in our district have adopted. It would make my life so much easier then having to take candy away from the kids. I really don't see our school grabbing hold of that policy, bummer. It never fails to that every time I do give in to those temptations I feel like garbage. Oh it tastes good for those few seconds going down but the after affects are not so pleasant. As I sit here and think of the food temptations in our lives I am flooded with all sorts of other temptations the devil tries to throw at us using the world to do it. The definition of temptation: a thing or course of action that attracts or tempts someone. As weird as this my sound I feel like I get tempted to do housework instead of reading my Bible like I should. There is always something that is needing to get done and it is usually but not always more enticing then getting in the word. I hate that because I really do love reading my Bible. I learn so much every time and feel close to God when I do. Lord keep me from temptation.

2 comments: said...

Hon, you ARE A good person. An awesome one. Just the fact that you TRY to do so much speaks wonders about you.

I am trying to kick the crappy food out of our homes, too. Now I just need to get the rest of the family on the bandwagon. Heh. Baby steps, I'm thinking...

Diva's Thoughts said...

Food is my biggest downfall so I truly feel your pain.