Thursday, September 13, 2007


Tomorrow at about this time I will have a baby. I probably won't get to hold her for another hour from this time but she will be born!! Also I will have the hubby update the blog when he comes home tomorrow night so be watching for info on her. I will do the pictures when I come home from the hospital. Ok with that out of the way...last night we did our first night of Children's Choir (GG only) and Awana clubs at our church, this year. It was a very nice evening. It was almost like a date for J and I to be able to sit and relax while all of our kids were being taken care of by church friends. I think that I am really going to like Wednesday nights! Oh yeah and GlamorGirl doesn't have much homework on Wednesday because it is church night :) Speaking of her she had her first test Wednesday at school and she came home with a 100% it was a spelling test with 23 words. I hope this is how the rest of the year goes...


Elizabeth said...

thinking of you and sending you prayers...

Anonymous said...

BRING ON THE BABY!!!! can't wait to hear her name! it will all be over so soon! and you have so many people praying for a healthy/safe delivery! love you tonya!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay for the baby! You all will be in my prayers tonight! Can't wait to hear all about her and see pictures!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all! Can't wait to see pics!

I have 200 some odd days to go! It will seem like forever!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Oh, WOW. I hope it's going well. How exciting!!