Tuesday, October 05, 2010


so on Thursday I went to the doctor. In the course of the visit we decided it was time to retest my blood for the c4a, leptin and VEGF and see what a year of good eating and clean environment has done. I am trying not to think about it but it keeps popping up in my head. What if the levels are the same? What if they are lower but only a little? What if they are higher? There is nothing I can do but sit here and wait the month to get the results back. 30 days. I really hope it is good news because right now I feel like I am falling apart. At the kids' orientation I slipped and pulled my sciatic really bad. The chiropractor and I have been working at helping my body heal from the pull but it seems I keep reinjurying it. I get so mad at myself. Other than me *feeling* OLD...I have really been enjoying my new role in youth ministry. I never thought I would say this but I love the junior highers!

As far as the kid front goes I could use some prayer in a situation with my oldest. I plan on writing about it at some point I just don't feel I should right now. But I could still use some major prayers in it. God knows the details! Other than that I feel like lately I look at my kids and can't believe how big they have gotten. I was trying clothes on Peanut and she doesn't look babyish anymore. When did she get SO big? It is weird at different times I will look at one of my kids and think, "man they have grown" I don't like that feeling though I know it is going to happen. Ok so this post was all about me tonight...


hestermom said...

Well, from one "old" person to another...hahaha. I keep throwing my back out too. Bummer. Can't do muscle stimulation at the chiropractor because I am preggo. But, I went for a massage, and even though it was an hour of torture (painful!), she got me from in pain in any position and not able to walk to totally able to walk, just gotta be careful. =)
Praying for you and your oldest, the Lord is good and He knows just what she needs. I just started trying at least once or twice a week to have a "tea date" with my girl... I was finding she needed more "talking" time. =)

Kat said...

Well, you know you are feeling better than you were a year ago. That is the important part, right? Try not to focus on what the test results say and instead focus on how you feel (besides your sciatic, you poor thing!). Waiting a month for the results could drive you bonkers! Hang in there.

Prayers for you and your oldest. :) I'm sure all will be well.

Kristin said...

Thanks for the update! Don't fret over your test results, they are what they are. Glad you're enjoying youth ministry. I have noticed the same "growth issue" in this household as far as the kids! Wow, we'll have teens before we know it!!!