Friday, January 14, 2011

My kids...

So lately I have realized that I haven't been enjoying my kids as much as I should be. Once I realized this things have gotten a lot better. I have been able to really listen to the things they are saying and boy are they funny little people! Some funny things that have come out of Peanut's mouth lately are as she stepped on a scale to weigh herself she says, "I'm 3 dollars!" Or she looked at the clock and says, "mommy it's 8 o'clock." when it is nowhere near that time but it is always 8 o'clock in her world! The other thing she did that just made me giggle was when she was playing with a balloon and watching her jump to hit it. I never want to forget those moments. Red has always been one of my harder kids as he doesn't like to obey and therefore teaching his youngest sister the errors of his way. But with even that I am able to enjoy listening to him read his homework as we snuggle on the couch. I love listening to him talk about things he has done or things he is going to going to a birthday party on Saturday. I really need to arrange a date with my oldest son sometime soon. I get to spend the least amount of time with him and his older sister with them at school all day. GlamorGirl and I went on a date last night. Her birthday is on Monday and we are having a party for her on Sunday. We went and got her a dress for said party. We went to the mall and tried on so many dresses at a ton of different stores. We also ended up finding Peanut an Easter dress for a really good price! My time with GG was just so pleasant. I loved how she choose her dress too. She had found 3 dresses that she liked two where 29.99 and the other was 23.99 I told her she could get any of them. She choose the cheaper because she said it was "a better way to spend money". She is growing up so fast before my eyes. She had me laughing so hard trying on some of those dresses. I just wish I would of brought my camera! Just want to add this is the first year EVER that I have gone out and bought her a nice fancy dress for her birthday. But she is turning 10 and I thought it would be a fun activity for her and I together. We stopped for a shake from Mikey D's on the way home because we were both thirsty. I was going to get a drink at the mall but they only took cash and well I never have cash. We decided instead of walking around the mall for somewhere else we would just find something on the way home. On the way home she told me how special she felt by getting to spend this time with me. Which is way I really need to take Monkey on a date soon! I have one on one time with the two little kids almost every day. Here is a picture of the dress she got and the same color :)
She looks so cute in it too! I will have to get a picture of her actually in it to post :)

1 comment:

Adina said...

What a neat post-and speaking of middle one says he woke up at nineteen. every morning:"mom, i woke up at 19".