Friday, May 20, 2011

Lovin IT

This time of year and the weather being warmer has been so exciting. I have decided that I thrive on being active. I love doing stuff with my kids and planning get togethers with my friends. This is the run down of my last few days. Monday after school to the chiropractor, homework, dinner and baseball practice. Tuesday was Red's birthday so after school was a spontaneous play date at the park with some friends (it was beautiful outside) and then to his birthday dinner. Wednesday we had BIC graduation for the junior highers who completed the course. Monkey also had a game but my step mom graciously took all the kids to it so we could be at the graduation. Thursday was a BIG day. We had Red's party at Chuck E Cheese at noon until 2pm and then right after that we picked up the older kids from school (early) and went to the chiropractor, rushed home and got dinner and off to Monkey's baseball game. Today Peanut had gymnastics this morning and then a field trip at school and then we did a picnic at the park with some friends. I still have to clean up the kitchen from dinner and breakfast but I am waiting for Peanut to fall asleep so I can go downstairs. If I leave before she is asleep she will stay up and we have a meeting at church tonight that will last until 9:30 or so and with all the running she NEEDS to get a nap today.

Just a side note about the birthday dinner for Red. We went to Chilis because the kids eat free on Tuesdays. Jeff and I decided that we were going to have the crew sing happy birthday to him. We have never done this for anyone's birthday before. He was so stinkin cute sitting there with his hands by his face. I don't think he knew what to think.

1 comment:

Adina said...

i had to laugh when you said you realized that you thrive on being active...i've only known this since...uh...i've met you :)