Saturday, January 08, 2005

AAHHH, I love Saturdays! We got to sleep in which was about 45 minutes longer than normal but I'll take what I can get:) GG comes in my room and says, "Mommy hurry up or we'll be late for school." I told her it was Saturday and she doesn't have school on Saturdays, which is the only day she doesn't have school. She said, "Ok, then get up and lets go outside and play in the snow!" It was cute. We actually didn't get out into the snow until after lunch, we had some unexpected errands to run. This morning Monkey was hanging on the towel rack and it came out of the wall. Ooops! That kid would hang all day if he could. The weird thing is he has an amazingly strong grip, he has ever since he was a baby! It just seems to get stronger with age. J and I were joking this summer during the Olympics that Monkey was going to be the next best ring performer in men's gymnastics. But now it is fixed and hopefully Monkey will remember not to hang on it anymore. Anyways, after lunch we got the kids bundled up and I got myself bundled and all 4 of us headed outside. We had a lot of fun, actually J and GG are still outside. When J used the snow blower on the driveway he piled the snow on the left side and our next door neighbors piled theirs on the right side leaving a huge pile of snow. With some moving of the snow J made 5 slides for the kids to go down. They are also big enough for J and I to slide down. It is our very own mini snow park!!! I just hope it last a few days for all the work J put into it. That is basically our day in a nutshell.

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