Monday, January 17, 2005

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful baby girl! Last night when she went to sleep I hung streamers on her door (has become tradition) and placed the pile of birthday cards on her dresser. This morning when she woke up I told her happy birthday and we sat down together and read all her birthday cards. She was the most excited about the ones with money in them! Then we got ready for school and left. She was greeted with many birthday wishes and I brought the photo album of her as a baby to show her teachers. She really liked showing them her pictures! We came home to find out her ballet, tap and tumbling class is canceled but that is ok because she has pictures today and a special birthday dinner at any restaurant she wants. I think we will be either going to McDonalds or a place called Jimmy's. Oh yeah we had GG's family party yesterday and she got 2 princess barbies, 5 summer dresses, 2 winter dresses, princess Valentine's cards, a sticker book/coloring book, and precious moments #4 statue. Next sunday is her other party. Well I should sign off of here.

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