Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey!

Today is my husband's 28th birthday and so I thought I would list 28 things I love about him! I stole this from another blog I read and I thought it was really cute. SO here goes...

1. He loves God.

2. He leads our family in a godly way.

3. He is a great provider.

4. He is not prefect, this is a good thing.

5. He knows I'm not prefect and doesn't hold it against me.

6. He loves me wholeheartedly.

7. He is helpful around the house. Usually don't even need to ask for it.

8. He allows me free time to do my hobbies.

9. He allows me girl time, too.

10. He knows the kids aren't prefect either.

11. He knows each of the kids strengths and weaknesses.

12. He is a great encourager of them and me.

13. He loves the kids unconditionally. 

14. He is a caring father.

15. He is so handsome. I wanted to use other words but I want to keep it PG ;)

16. He is a hard worker, at his job and at home.

17. His laugh, love it.

18. His sense of humor.

19. His ability to make me laugh ALL THE TIME! I can thank him for my laugh lines, well the 
kids too!

20. His kind heart. Willing to help people anytime.

21. His smile.

22. How he loves to play the guitar I bought him a few years ago.

23. How he uses the guitar to honor God by playing at church for different things.

24. His singing voice. I think he is a great singer.

25. He grills to give me a break from cooking.

26. He is so strong.

27. He is my support.

28. He is a great man of God.

In the middle of typing out this list of things, J caught me on the computer and I tried to quickly shut it off and I did but since he knows more about computer then I he looked at something and saw that I was writing on my blog with the title of Happy Birthday Honey! Then he was joking with me that I was writing his birth story. His mom always says that he cried for the first 9 months of his life, end of story! I love you Jeff. I have been blessed to know you for these last 12 years and be married to you for the last 8 1/2 years. 


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!
Happy Birthday J.
Y'all have a great family.
I can't believe y'all have known each other so long...that's just awesome!!!

Kristin said...

Aww...too cute! Hope J had a great day! Too funny about him asking if you were writing about his birth story...hee-hee!

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

So sweet!
I wish I had been blogging ten years ago, because now I'll have to write THIRTY-eight things about RedDaddy :0
Oh well, I could probably come up with twice that many!

hestermom said... cute. And wow, 28 is pretty young considering a list like that!!!

Ann(ie) said...

That is so sweet!!!! AND impressive. 28 is pretty young for a list like that. My hubby is 39 and he's managed to master only half the list.....shhhhhh....I'll deny that though if he ever asks. ;)

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Nice list! Sounds like you've got a good man.