I'm not really sure how this happened but Monkey mowed the lawn for the first time! I looked up from whatever I was doing and ran to the house to get my camera. He looked so cute pushing the mower. Not quite tall enough to do it by himself but one day soon it will be his "job" in our family, that is until Red gets big enough to help ;)

Look at him smiling for the camera...what a little ham!
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Aghhh! Your hubby is wearing dark socks & shorts! If you don't put a stop to this now, he'll be wearing socks & sandals before you know it!
Our Tommy was just helping daddy cut the grass last night too! :)
So sweet.
He's so proud!
I think I should defend my hubby...he just got home from work and threw on some shorts to mow. His shirt and socks are from his uniform. He really can't mow in his pants :) I thank him for not making more laundry for me by changing everything to get it dirty and change it again!
Yeah, that's right. Hubby is glad wifey is standing up for him.
Okay, this is the one area where Hubby wishes for a boy :)
awwwww! What a big boy. Ben was rather proud of himself pushing the vacuum with me today, too. hehe.
Too cute - They grow up too quick. Lib cooked lunch today for everyone and accidentally burned a small place on her arm. But she was ok and was proud to show me her "battle scar" when I got home.
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