Monkey's birth story really kind of started on July 20th, let me explain. On the night of the 20th I walked around the college campus which is about 4 miles. When I got home, to our apartment, around 8pm Jeff and GG were in a big mess of water. Our a/c had a leak and it was flooding our living room floor. I wouldn't of been a huge deal except for the fact that his parents and sister were coming to visit the next day. We (yes at 36 1/2 week pregnant I helped) pulled the carpet up off the ground and mopped the floor of excess water. Then we draped the carpet on the furniture and had tons of fan going to dry it out. At some point Jeff went to get a carpet cleaner. By the time we got to bed it was almost midnight. The next day July 21st we got up and went out for a huge brunch with his parents and then walked around the town. I remember them wanting to look at the Amish store for furniture. We then went to the video store and rented John Q. I noticed that I was having contractions about half way through the movie. I started to time them myself and they were 5 minutes apart for an hour. After the movie was over I pulled Jeff into the other room and told him the situation. We both thought prefect, his parents are here to watch GG. We called the OB and were told to go to the hospital. We were unable to get a hold of the midwife at this point. They checked me and then observed me for little over an hour, at which point they checked me again and told me nothing had changed so I could either stay or go home. We went home. I wasn't due until August 7th. We didn't want to keep his parents from driving the 4 hours home either. We got home and said goodbye to his family. Then I grabbed something to eat and we went to take the carpet cleaner back and to get somethings from Wal-mart. As we were ready to leave Wal-mart my contractions had gotten really strong and I had to stop walking during them but they weren't too bad. As soon as we got home we called the OB again and this time we got a hold of the midwife at 10:35pm. She told us to get to the hospital as quick as possible. We dropped GG at a friends house and Jeff quickly switched the car seat from our car to hers. I just sat there trying to deal with the very strong and very hard contractions I was having, it was 10:45pm once we got to the hospital. I remember trying to sign the sheets they kept shoving at me and my signature looking like chicken scratch. Once we got in the room there was a bit of debate of when my due date was, I guess my chart said August 14th. Just to be safe they quickly got my on antibiotics, they could of done whatever they wanted to me and I wouldn't have had a clue. I remember having them put an oxygen mask on my face to help his oxygen level. I remember hearing the midwife tell the nurse to make sure the OB didn't leave the hospital. I remember yelling at her to stop putting the internal monitor in and then yelling at her to get it out of me. About 5 minutes before I pushed she had me on all fours, I'm not really sure why but I think it was to help dilate a certain area. I know that I only pushed 3 times before he came out and that from start to finish of my labor was an hour and a half. He was born at 12:05am on July 22nd. After he was born I found out that his heart rate went from 140 to 40 with every contraction I had. He came out with the cord wrapped around his neck and arm. He was a whole pound smaller than his sister and wow did a pound make a difference. I knew the moment he came out I loved him so much. He was so beautiful.
This is me and my boy the day we left the hospital!

He was so tiny...

Monkey it has been so fun to watch you grow over these 6 years. You have learned so many things like reading, writing, tying your shoes, riding your bike and many, many more and you continue to learn everyday. Your sweet smile melts my heart everyday. You are such an easy going person and have a lot of your daddy's personality. You have blessed my life and you are such a wonderful part of our family. I thank God for giving you to us to care for and love. I look forward to watching you grow the next 6 years and beyond.

I also love your silly side too!

It's probably the pregnancy hormones, but that totally made me cry LOL!
You never forget your birth stories... Love the memory
AAwww...what a precious trip down memory lane! I can't believe how fast they grow up! Happy Birthday Monkey:)
Oh, by the way...note to wml!...I spoke to a lady the other day, who's in her 50's, no she doesn't have "old age memory loss", but she couldn't remember the basic details of her birth stories...it was sad to me:(...so not a bad idea to blog 'em!!!
How sweet! I'm gonna steal your idea and post birth stories on birthdays...love it.
He is a QT-pie :)
I so love that story!!! Aaawww.... Ths pics are precious too.
Aww. So sweet! Happy Birthday Monkey!
Well I'm heading to bed and wanted to get down the things we did today for your birthday. Too tired to write a post. We went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch, headed to school and you played with Titus, daddy got home and you opened all your cards in the mail, went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner, and then played at the park with your present from us...a baseball bat with a new glove on the way. You also got a few birthday calls today.
Happy Birthday, Monkey! Hope you had a great day!
What a sweetheart! Thanks for sharing your story. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Monkey! ( I didn't realize he was a July baby too...he fits right in with us! ha ha!)
I just love reading birth stories!
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