It was old school because MY dad came to the house to pick ME up and take ME on a date with HIM! I haven't been out on a daddy/daughter date with my dad since high school. He used to come pick me up at my mom's house and we'd go out to eat and then drive 2 hours back to his house.
Let me just say that last night was fun. I got to go out and have fun. We went to a really nice restaurant and both of us got steak and I ate the whole thing, plus the veggies and mashed potatoes that came with, I was stuffed. Then my dad wanted to go to the Mall. He asked me what I wanted to do and joking around said, "I need to dye my hair and get rid of all the grays I have." Then I showed him my head of hair and we were off to get my hair colored. When we got there my dad suggested going blond. I've never been blond and thought sure why not! So here are the pictures of my hair today after I washed and styled it my way. The lady last night had it so puffy and just so not me.
GG and J don't like the color but the boys really don't have an opinion and Peanut just loves me anyway I am because I'm her mom! Then after the hair adventure we looked at Game Stop at all the different Wii games. I really want to get Rock Band for the kids this Christmas. I think they will have a blast playing it but we'll see. Then we went to Land's End and I got a new swimming suit. I was so excited...I have been drooling over these suits for a long time and now I have one and I love the way it fits! I think I will trying and get another one next summer so that I have more suits to wear during the summer. We go swimming a lot and having different suits is fun for me :) Sorry no pictures of me in my new purchase. But it is pink like my toe nails and looks like an outfit. I love modest swim wear.
**The first reason this post was not posted on Friday was because I was meeting my friend Kristin at the pool and she reads my blog and I didn't want her to see my hair on here first! I know I'm a stinker. The second was while we were at the pool I got a really bad headache and started feeling sick to my stomach, not sure if I got dehydrated or what the deal was. It was just a big mess. We have 8 kids between the two of us and I couldn't drive myself home. I thank God for great neighbors who came and got me and the kids and then stayed with the kids until J got home. I went straight for the bed in pain. I couldn't even sleep because my head hurt so bad and my stomach felt like I was going to throw up which unfortunately I did about 4 times. This morning I woke up feeling a little sick to my stomach but as the day has gone on I am feeling better. We were suppose to go on the boat with my dad and step mom but I wasn't sure the boat rocking would feel that great. So we went bowling with them and then out to eat for lunch. I even got to take a nap, thanks to my wonderful hubby who ordered me to go lay down.**
I'm so glad you're feeling better, I hope soon you feel 100%!! So, on your date with your dad, you hated the steak?!!!!! That too bad! Hee-hee! I'm glad you like your hair, I'm so not adventureous in the hair department anymore:)
Sounds like you had fun with your Dad! That is awesome. Glad you're feeling better. I bet it was scarey to get that sick. Do you think you have migrains?
Kristin, I ate the whole thing, you stinker! I changed it. Thanks :)
Hee-hee, thought that was funny! Why would you eat the whole thing if you hated it??!!!!
Now I just got a mistake of mine in my first comment to U!! That too bad!...THAT'S too bad! Okay, I'll stop "proof reading"! I think every sentence in my blog is a run on!!!!
Did you get my email--I sent you one last week.
Nestle wants to use the winning photos on their Facebook page, so I wanted to get your permission.
Please send me an email to the address in my profile.
First, the hair looks great! Almost strawberry blond. You look like GG!!
Second, that is awful that you felt THAT awful... Hope you're feeling better and that it doesn't happen again. Didn't you say that GG gets migraines? think they're connected?
You have a freaking rad dad!!!
Love the hair! I think it looks great!
Cute hair! Glad you're feeling better!
Your hair looks fabulous!! And what an awesome Pa you have, girlie!
What a fun daddy date. cool hair.
Sorry you got sick, I hope you are feeling much better now.
Great hair! Still haven't posted my hair've got me motivated though.
Sounds like you had a super date!!
sounds like lots of fun
Oh how precious it is that your daddy took you on a date! You are SO blessed. : )
Also sorry to hear you've been under the weather. That's NO fun when you have little ones to take care of! Hope you're feeling better!
Okay, I have to be honest! I miss your LONG brown hair! I also liked the longer bob, think U had in spring? BUT, it's just hair, right? If you like it, that's what counts;) Afterall, it's who you are that I really like!!!
Oh no...not you too with the migraines! (I know I sound like a broken record...) I really hope that was just a one time thing! Blech.
I think the Daddy daughter date sounds really cool, and is a great idea! I never thought of going on a date with my dad!
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