Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ah The Birthday Girl!

The day started with GG coming into our room and us telling her Happy Birthday! She was so excited because there were streamers hanging on her door with balloons (a birthday tradition) and cards hanging on her door. She went to get the cards and then snuggled right in the middle of J and I to open them. Then it was get ready for school. Today she had her picture re-takes for the graduation pictures, I really hope they turn out good. Then after school we went for her birthday lunch at a Hotdog place she really likes. Then home to open her present. Once all of that was done it was normal day with homework and stuff. She got at least 6 phone calls and one of her friends stopped by to give her a present. I think she had a great day. At one point in the night the phone rang and she looks at me and says, "Is it for me?" She is definitely loved. And I still can't believe that these 6 years have gone by so fast! What a blessing she has been in her daddy and I's lives.

Thank you Lord for giving us this precious little girl to care for and love. She truly is a blessing and gift from You. Help us to raise her in your truth and love. Amen


Anonymous said...

Aw. Happy Birthday to your little girl! My eldest son will be turning four here at the end of the month!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Brae! :D