Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm Back!

I have been flying under the radar for the last few days. I was just sitting here thinking how nice it is for my dad and step mom to be able to take a 2 week trip to Costa Rica. Now don't forget that they just took us to Disney world in November and paid for all 13 of our family members to go for my dad's 50th birthday. Well it is Roberta's turn because she has her birthday this month.

I'm a little bummed/stressed about this weekend. Friday my small group is getting together at our friends house and I can't find a sitter. I really want to go and she really wants everyone to be there it actually got changed from Saturday to Friday because one of the girls couldn't go. But Friday is even worse for me, now that I am trying to find a babysitter. I don't want to be stressed about it because I want to go there and have a relaxing time.


corrie said...

i'd babysit for you, if only i didn't live 8 hours away...

Tonya said...

Thanks Corrie! I did find someone so it all worked out.