Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Vacation Bible School aka VBS

We have finished our second day of VBS and the kids are having a great time. J is working the gym which is outside because the actual gym is getting a new floor. I'm working in the kitchen again, like last year. Today they did water games outside and J was soaked. All the kids brought swimsuits so they were fine. The only bad part of is that we aren't able to play tennis this week. But next week they are going to VBS at school so we will be able to play every morning...hopefully. Now that Red has 6 teeth he has been brushing them with his very own tooth brush. It is so funny, everytime he goes into the bathroom now he thinks he needs to brush his teeth. Very cute. Tonight my Bible study (which is all women) is taking a break and we are going out for dinner and to chill and have fun. I am looking forward to having great conversation and food. Girl time is SO important :) Until I started getting some more of it I never realized how important it was for my sanity!

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