Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I'm starting with last night...GG was talking in her sleep. It was pretty funny. I only remember her saying, "Mommy can I help you?" She said other things too I just don't remember it was late. Then she woke me up at 2:30 or so to go potty. I was sleeping and I heard her say it but didn't do anything until she got out of bed and started walking to the bathroom. She was at the door by the time I got there. No accident! I can't believe she will be potty trained for a year soon. I saved so much money on diapers! Today we walked over to the rental office to tell and ask Rhonda somethings. Then after lunch the kids and I ran errands and I took them too the K's. Monkey was asleep when I left not a good idea. Poor little guy. I had two hours to myself to pack up some stuff I actually got a lot done. I think J will be happy when he gets home on Friday. I am super packer upper! We played outside today because it was so nice out which the kids loved. And GG and I did a craft while Monkey slept after dinner. It turned out so good. Our next door neighbor is a Art Teacher so we took it over and showed her. She was impressed that I did that with GG. It was a craft she does with her Kindergarteners. GG had fun and that is all that matters. The kids are both in bed sleeping right now which is wonderful. GG didn't take a nap today, at the K's. I benefited from that. Well I really should get myself into bed right now.

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