Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Lunch Date

Once a week J and I get together for lunch with Peanut, of course. Today we went to Panera Bread. As we were sitting there a man in a business dress came over, he knew J. They shook hands and J introduced me and I shook his hand. Then he bend down to talk to Peanut. Asked us what her name was and told us he has 2 boys. I said, "We have two boys, too." Then J added, "And an older daughter." The man looked at me and said, "Wow you have 4 kids. You look great." I said, "thanks" and he left. Then J said, "Do you know who that was?" I said, "no". That was Senator (I can't remember his name because all I heard was Senator) So and So one from our state. He then said, "You didn't know you would be rubbing elbows with a Senator today did you?" It was just a really neat experience and he said I looked good great. :)

Another happening on our lunch date was the table next to us was a mom and daughter. The daughter was playing with Peanut. At one point the little girl said, "Mommy that baby is so lucky she has a daddy who is a policeman." It was just so cute. We certainly are blessed that he has a job and one that comes with job security.


Anonymous said...

That's so cool! I remember when our oldest was a baby and we were at an event where the governor happened to be as well. We got pictures of him holding her (gotta love the politicians who kiss babies) and I know that one day that will be a great memento for her. (Did you have your camera with you?)

Tonya said...

No unfortunately I didn't have it with me. Honestly I didn't know who he was until after he left us :)

Kristin said...

It's always fun to "run into" politians, "famous people", etc.! Yes, what a fabulous compliment too!

sarahgrace said...

Wow! That is cool! (and I have to agree...from all the pics I've seen, you look FANTASTIC for having 4 children! Really.)

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful family. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Anonymous said...


mikeanddebbie said...

Wow, very cool! Compliments are always nice, but especially from a Senator!!

Anonymous said...

How nice that you and your hub get to go to lunch once a week together! Fun. cool, getting to meet a Senator!

Bloggy Mama said...

Love those little stories. And he's right - you do look great!

I'm the Mom said...

You have been tagged. Check out my blog for details.