Thursday, February 02, 2006

Whirlwind of thoughts.

As I sit here ready to post I can't decide what I want to talk about first! I think I will talk about the funeral. As weird as this may sound it was really an interesting learning experience for me. We don't really get together with Joe's (dad-in-laws) side much, I got to meet so many of J's relatives. I also got to learn more about my father-in-law as a child with pictures and home videos. Of course, it was a little stressful with the kids but we were complimented on how well they behaved during the service...even though they were bugging the heck out of me. They weren't talking but they were very fidgety. I know they were board but there really isn't much *fun* things you can do at a funeral. Hind sight being 20/20 I wish we would of stuck to our original plan and took them to school instead. They were absolutely amazing during the wake but it wasn't so structured. Another cool thing that happened was the gospel was presented by Joe. Today the kids went to school for the last time this week. GG got a new reading book. I was so impressed by her yesterday she read the word "everything", that is a really long word! Monkey got homework today...he is learning to write his last name. On the homework was a website and I went on it to print out some more pages for him to practice on. That site was absolutely awesome. The kids and I played on it for awhile. It had so many things on it I bookmarked it! Tomorrow J has the day off so we are planning something special. Then I put the kids down for their naps and started messing around with a website for pictures. I have some pictures on it. I am having a hard time keeping up with the kids each having their own sites. So I think I am going to go this route instead. I was thinking for awhile of putting pictures on here but I just want to keep it a journal.

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