Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Special Helper

Today at school GG got to be the Bible teacher's special helper. She was so excited about it last night that I didn't think she was ever going to fall asleep. I guess this is something new they just started and she was the second one chosen. She has really excelled this year in school. I can't believe she is reading. It is so cool to listen to her read!!! This was what she read today for homework...

Mother had to ask Pam to help.
The task is to help Bill.
Pam must give Bill his lunch.
The lunch is in the cup.

Pam has a mug, too.
Milk is in the mug.
It is fun to help Bill.
Bill is glad.
Pam is glad to help Mother and Bill.

It is absolutely amazing to hear her read this, I don't think I was doing this type of reading until I was at least in 1st grade. She has also made some really good friends. She is my little extrovert :)

We are about ready to go to a wake for J's aunt who passed away a couple of days ago. We have prepared the children for what is going to take place. GG is so sweet she wanted to color a picture to put in the casket...she has never even met this aunt. We decided it would be a better idea to color one for grandpa because it was his sister. She hates to see people sad so it should be interesting to see her compassion come out today to people she hasn't met before or only once before. She is so caring towards others...just one of the reasons I love that little girl so much!!!

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