Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Bedtime Prayers

Every night before the kids go to bed I pray with them, I say a prayer and then they say one. Well the last couple of nights GG has been praying for a baby sister or brother, but that she really wants a SISTER. I have talked to her about the fact that if I were to get pregnant there are no guarantees that the baby would be a girl. She completely understands but still wants a sister. Just to clarify I'm not saying that we are going to have another baby or that J and I are even talking about it this is all GLAMORGIRL. I love saying prayers with the kids and listening to what they are grateful for...Monkey looks at everything in his room and thanks God for it! So his prayers are quite long but very cute to hear him say, "Thank you God for the wonderful world, my mommy, daddy, GG, Red my curtains, my clock, the fan, my door and so on!" Very different prayers from GG and Monkey but they are both from their hearts and that is the part I love!

You know what I think is funny?!?! Before I became a mother I would of never dreamt of holding a 6 month old while brushing my teeth, while he grabs at the toothbrush. Life is definitely interesting with children present:)

A little about Red! So I have mentioned about shadows and he likes to watch them well that is an understatement. He goes *crazy* at nighttime when he sees his shadow in the bedroom. His arms go up and down and his hands twist and he makes his mouth do this really funny thing. He loves shadows :) He also loves baths...when given a bath he kicks and splashes so much that he gets water in his face. Before when this would happen he would just jump because the water startled him. Well yesterday night when I gave him a bath and it got his face he made the funniest face. He did it every time it got his face so I called J in to see. It was a face I had never seen him make before and it was pretty cute. I wish I could describe it but words wouldn't do it justice!!! I love that little boy with all my heart. He definitely fits into our family with his spunky personality. Oh and have I mentioned that he has found his voice in the form of a high pitch squeal??? It's really funny to listen to him talk with the kids like that and they think it is hilarious which, of course, makes Red do it more. Like I said, kids are interesting!

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