Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Doing shows...

Last night I did a Mary Kay show and I had a BLAST!!! One of my bridesmaids hosted and she invited a bunch of people we went to college with and one friend I went to highschool with. It was so good to see those girls and catch up and hang out. It made me feel like I was back in college...loved those days...not that I don't love these days. Just those days were so carefree and crazy ;) I remember one night we climbed on top of a school and watched the stars and played the laughing game, where you put your head on someone stomach then they put there head on someone else's stomach and so on. Then you said Ha...then next person says Ha ha and so on. We did all sorts of goofy things like that in college! Anyways it was really fun and I WAS WORKING. Unbelievable that I had so much fun and got paid!!! J had the kids and he did a wonderful job. I came home to a pretty clean house, the only thing that was out was the laundry he folded but didn't get a chance to put away because Red woke up. I truly have a great man and husband.

The rest of the day should be fun J is off...even though right now he is subbing but he'll be home shortly. Later!

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