Sunday, May 09, 2004

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! This morning we went to church. In Sunday school the class wished me and another mom a happy mother's day that was nice. GG and Monkey made me a necklace in their class. That was sweet. Then during the church service they had all the moms stand up and they sang Happy Mother's Day to the tune of Happy Birthday. It was cute. Of course they prayed for us too. We came home and made homemade pizzas, yummy. J let me take a nap today and it was great. I slept so good and not too long that I will have trouble tonight sleeping. It was prefect. Tonight for dinner we went to Bakers Square so that was nice. The funny thing is that though this day is set aside to be special for mothers it wasn't any different then most days. All my days are fulled with great things and surprises. My children's I love yous and my hubby just being his sweet self. I did feel honored today but I feel that way everyday! I have a great family.

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