Thursday, April 08, 2004

So last night after I updated I went to bed and GG went with me. It was a lot of fun we laid down face to face and talked for about 30 minutes!!! She told me about her day...even though I was with her the whole day :) We have been doing this everynight before bed but last night was longer because I was going to bed at the same time as her. It gave new meaning to the phrase "pillow talk"! Then today I worked and J came in and played with the kids for about 30 minutes they loved that. This afternoon GG and I laid on the couch a head on each end and we took a nap. Monkey took a nap in the bed. When he woke up he told J that he had to go poop so J took his diaper off and put him on the potty and he went!!! I have watched him and when I notice he is getting ready to poop I put him on the potty but he knows when he has to go now. I was so excited (as was He) that he did that! Then after dinner we went to Wal-mart. I asked J if he had the credit card because I didn't have mine. He asked me if I had my license I told him I didn't have any pockets I had sweats on. GG sitting in the backseat said, "I have pockets mom. You can put your license in my pocket. I will hold it for you." What a I am going to give a 3 year old my license. We got the kids certified birth certificates in the mail so we are ready to go to New Mexico. We also got invited to another wedding...have I mentioned I love weddings? Anyway back to Wally world, we got GG some white shoes for church too cute. She tried them on with her Easter dress when we got home and she looks like such a young lady. We also got her friend a birthday present, a sun dress (GG picked it out so it is purple) and some sidewalk chalk. We tried the dress on GG because they are the same size and it fit. Oh and we got Monkey another bag of underwear because I am planning on starting to potty train him when he runs out of diapers, he seems really interested in wearing underwear and going on the potty so we are going to run with it. He is almost 2, wow I can't believe that :) Ok I'm done for the night.

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