Monday, April 12, 2004

Well today was the day I worked with Monkey on using the potty. We got up and Monkey taught his doll to use the potty. In the middle of that he said he had to go so he got on the potty and pooped. Then we proceed with teaching the baby doll. He did everything I asked him to do and answered all my questions about the potty. Then he started playing with GlamorGirl in the living room. I asked him to show me where the potty was and he fell down on the ground. When he got up he had peed his pants. So we "practiced" and changed his pants and we kept going. Then he pooped again on the potty! I was starting to get hungry so I figured Monkey was hungry too so we went upstairs to eat with daddy and sister. Halfway through his lunch he peed his pants again. So we "practiced" again and changed into clean dry underwear. After I got done eating I talked to J about how I wasn't ready for Monkey to be a big boy even though he was really into the potty thing. So we decided to wait another month and then try again. But he goes poop on the potty so he is already half way there! Then the rest of the day he would ask to go potty so I would take his diaper off and he would sit on the potty and do nothing. So he isn't afraid of the potty he just needs to learn when he has to pee and use the potty. Alright enough "potty talk". This afternoon Monkey took a nap and GG and I did some girl things. Then tonight we got groceries. So now we have food in the house! Now I am off to sleep zone...

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