Thursday, January 19, 2006

Warning I have alot to write about...

Yesterday was very the morning Red and I had Bible study. Then we got the kids and ate lunch, headed over to GG's doctor's appointment. Then home so GG could do her homework which we had just enough time. Then back in the car to get J from school and off to get GG's pictures taken. Then to Dinorex! That was a lot of fun and their pizza wasn't bad. I think next time we go I will definitely print off the coupons for getting the wrist bands. Then home, bath, bedtime routine and then to bed. In more detail GG's doctors appointment...just to get an idea of what a little peanut she really is she weighed 38 pounds and was 42 inches. I had them weigh Monkey too and he was 36 pounds. I couldn't believe there was only 2 pounds difference!

Two nights ago on GG's birthday I tucked her into bed and told her about the day I gave birth to her, it has become our tradition and she LOVES to hear about the day she was born. So I was telling her and she says. "Did I come out of your butt?" I said, "No". After I was done with her I got out her scrapbook and J and I sat on the couch looking over all the pictures of her as a baby. We talked about what a joy and blessing she has been in our lives as a baby and now as a big girl, who can do so much stuff. It has been so cool and neat to see her grow up. And she is still growing. I remember for about the first 3 weeks of her life I would just lay in bed and watch her sleep. J would always tell me to go to sleep but I caught him watching her sleep too. I still go in her room and watch her sleep!

Last night was about the 4th night now that Red has had a hard time sleeping because he is sick with a runny nose and it makes it hard for him to breathe laying down. So we have to hold him. J knew how tired I was because apparently when I get too tired I become spacey. The last few nights J has slept with Monkey so that he can sleep, which I recommended because it is no good if we are both sleep deprived! Last night about 2am Red was crying and it was probably the 3 time he had woken up since 10pm. J came in our room and said, "Why don't you go get some sleep in Monkey's room and I will take Red." This was ok with me because he wasn't even interested in nursing. I got 2 1/2 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It was amazing! That is what I love about J, he does things to help me without me even asking for it. I was completely prepared to get no sleep but having that sleep has totally helped. Now I told you Red is sick with a runny nose. His newest thing is if the snot is running down and we don't get to it in time, he curls his tongue up and starts licking it. It is very gross but really funny to watch! He has also started to point at things. I think that is so cool when they do that, because you can say things like, "Red's number..." and then he holds up his one finger. Also I think it was yesterday J was talking to Red and all of a sudden Red said as clear as day, "Hi Dada" we looked at each other and said, "Did he just say 'Hi Dada'".

And last but definitely not least is Monkey. He has been himself just cracking us up. He was in his room playing the other day and I walked in to see what he was doing. He had buzz lightyear on one of his dinosaurs, riding it like a horse. I swear I have *never* met a kid with more imagination. He can turn anything into something else and entertain himself for hours. Most nights I have to carry him out of his room to eat, which is funny because he LOVES to eat!

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