Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our school

Today I am thankful for the school my kids go to. I absolutely love it. There is just such a great sense of community. My husband had won a free lunch for 6 people in town. I was able to invite some mom friends from school. Then tonight was GG's first basketball game that she cheered at. Being at the school and seeing all the parents in her class there to support their kids in their activities was just so great to see. That does not happen at every school from my experience. My brother and mom-in-law also came to watch GG cheer. 

1 comment:

Adina said...

yes, i love your school too. it's a blessing I'm sure to many people.

also, I wanted to give u kudos for posting everyday. know that I read every post just having a hard time keeping up with you :)