Thursday, July 10, 2003

I didn't update last night because we lost our power. I'll explain that in a second. Not much really happened yesterday. Our swim lessons were canceled which didn't make the day go by very fast. But our friend Joanna came over for dinner. After she left I gave the kids a bubble bath. Let's just say that Monkey didn't want to get out. He screamed bloody murder as I was taking him out of the tub. I think he like bubble baths! Just as I got all of us in our pjs. The power went out. Then I could see to figure out how to use the candle lighter. So I went upstairs to call Joanna for help. That was a little difficult considering I couldn't see anything. I had to feel the phone to find the numbers! Good thing I got them right. So both Ted and Joanna came over. Well there were here the tornado warning went off. It was nice to have them here when that was going on. We ended up staying at there house last night. We didn't have any air and it was getting hot inside. There house had power. I think the power came on at about 1am last night from my blinking clocks this morning! So today we went to the Little Lunchers Story Bunch Hour at Chandler. That was a lot of fun. We didn't leave until 1:45 just in time for the kids to take naps. I worked on yard sale stuff while they slept. Then we went to swim lessons tonight and of course missed J's call. I swear if we talk to him one night we won't get to talk to him the next. But tomorrow he will be coming home for the weekend!!!! I am really excited about that can you tell? Well Monkey is sleeping and GG is reading books so I am going to get ready for bed and then get GG to bed.

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