Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Ok so here goes! GG had her dance class today. For some reason she didn't want to do the tap part of the class. But she loved the ballet part. Ms. Julie said they will start with ballet first next week, that's cool. After the class they had a valentines party. GG was very excited about that. She even shared the candy with Monkey when we got home. I thought that was really sweet of her. Then J left for work, bummer. He has his own car tonight for the first time. I'm sure he is doing fine. This afternoon I was going to give Monkey a bath, he wanted a bubble bath so it turned into a bubble bath. Of course, GG wanted in the water as soon as it was ready so she got in. I let them play in there for a long time. Their hands were wrinkled! After the bath GG had to go potty so she got up and said she had to poop. It is so funny how you can have a conversation about poop! She said, "I have a big poop coming out mom. It is a monster poop! Here it comes. Do you see it. I told you it was a monster one!" I ask if she is done. "No I have some more little poops left to come out." Too funny and of course out of all the funny things she says a day I remember this, right? Today the kids played with Monkey's trains, listened to music, played with my hair, GG painted my toe nails (she used red so it looks like my feet are bleeding) and they both water painted and colored. Fun times! More about the toe nail painting...this is the first time I let her do this and so I had to close my eyes while she painted because she was messy!!! GG also decided that some of her crayons needed to be broken into two. So needless to say they didn't fit back in the boxes so I got a Tupperware for them. Monkey painted too and it was really funny because I thought he was done, he put the brush on the table and I picked it up to put it away and he made the funniest noise like...hey I wasn't done, yet so don't take that. I noticed that noise the other day but I now know why he does it :) How goofy are my kids?!?!

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