Saturday, February 21, 2004

I am in a better mood now. It is amazing how kids can help you smile again :) This afternoon we just sat on the couch telling each other secrets and goofing around mainly just laughing together. That helped so much. GG also told me that I am a supermom! She has been into superheros lately, so I thought that was nice she thought of me like can do anything I need her too. Then after dinner I gave them a bath so they are ready for church in the morning. I just let them play in the tub having fun with each other and me just watching. They are such great kids and I am glad they are mine! I did take some pictures of them in the bath too I think they will turn out really good. Now the kids are clean and smell so sweet. They are still playing nicely with each other. It seemed the last week they fought more over toys then normal and now they are back to playing together, thank God! Oh yeah the Y called today and said that GG can go to the next preschool session again free of charge! That totally rocks :) It is the closest thing to date that I have found that is somewhat similar to the playgroup we used to go to. The only difference is the parents aren't there :( But she has fun and it is FREE!!!!!

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