Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Today was interesting. We got woke up by J getting a phone call asking if he could sub at his old high school. He ended up going. The bad part was that GG woke up 2 hours earlier than she normally does and so did Monkey. I did get him to fall back asleep for about an hour. I could tell at about 4:30pm that GG was getting tired and waking up too early this morning was not good. I made her lay down and she fell asleep. I woke her up at 6 because I wanted her going to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. Anyway Monkey was so funny today...I took the kids upstairs for lunch and Monkey kept pointing to downstairs. I asked him if he wanted to go downstairs and he said yes so I took him down. Then he wanted his coat and hat on so I put them on him. Then he stood by the garage door wanting to go out to the car. He wanted to leave! I asked him if he wanted to go out to eat instead of eating here and he said no. I didn't know what he wanted but he wanted to leave. I kept telling him I wasn't going anywhere he got upset and laid by the door. I thought maybe he thought I was going to leave him. I asked him if he wanted to go play like we did last night at work. He said yes! He wanted to go to my work and play. That is a good thing since I work Wednesday and Thursday! This afternoon GG got a present in the mail from her friend Ethan and his family. It was micromachines, she was thrilled...she loves the ones at Ethan's house. At first she shared with Monkey and then she wanted them all to herself. Tonight the kids and I went to the LLL meeting. That was fun as always. I want to move close to J's work so bad! Maybe one day.... When we got home J was home he was suppose to be working but I was glad to see him since he subbed we hadn't seen him all day. He took a half day what a nice guy.

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