Saturday, October 25, 2003

I am updating early because we are spending the night at J's parents house. Last night the kids were wired. They stayed up until 1am. I think it had to do with the fact that Aunty Becky came home from college this weekend (and daddy was off of work). They have so much fun with her. It was kind of nice having them awake that long because they slept in this morning. I am usually up until 1am anyways. This morning we got up at 10am and got showered and ready to go grocery shopping with grandma. We came home and ate a yummy lunch. I need to go pack some stuff for tomorrow so we can head out at nap time. Tonight we are taking aunt Elizabeth out for dinner it is her birthday. Happy Birthday Elizabeth. She is now 13! As you can tell this weekend is filled with crazy fun. Aunts and grandparents and friends from WIU. Oh yeah remember how last time we went shopping and Monkey lost his shoe? Well today GG lost her doll. I wasn't happy, I don't let her take the doll into the store so I don't know why she had it. She knows that the doll stays in the car. I went in the store and it was at the service desk. Good thing because that is what GG sleeps with at night.

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