Saturday, April 05, 2003

I remember what GlamorGirl did yesterday. After I got off the phone with Joanna I told GG that she was coming over. She started screaming, "Joanna is coming over, Yea Joanna is coming over." Then J came home and GG told him, "Joanna is coming home." I thought it was cute. Then this morning when we woke up after telling us all good morning she said, "where is Joanna?" Well today we got up and went to the YMCA for the kiddie carnival. We had a lot of fun walking around booth to booth. They had this booth for getting your kids finger prints, weight, height, current picture and a kit for getting a DNA swap. I loved it because of the fact that I am so paranoid of someone taking them I now feel prepared if it does happen. Which I pray it never does. They had other arts and craft there that GG absolutely loved but her favorite was the parachute she got to run under. We came home and had lunch and they both fell asleep pretty easily for their naps. Then J came home from taking a transfer around 4pm. We grilled out dinner but it was a little cold out so thank you to J for grilling in the cold. We had friends come over for a play date. It was Crissy, Bill and Carlie. The girls played upstairs and us adults talked downstairs with Monkey. As far as I can tell both the girls had a great time playing. We will get to see them in a few weeks for Carlie's birthday so that will be nice. Now we are getting ready for bed. We are going to church tomorrow morning, hopefully. I say that because if J gets paged out it will be hard for me to get them ready on time. But we are planning on it.

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