Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Yesterday, Monkey had food for the first time. I gave him some cheerios and he ate about 4 of them. He wasn't too sure if he liked them. This morning we got up and GG and I took my brother to his doctor's appointment. His car hasn't been running right. We came home and ate lunch and then it was time for naps. After there naps our friend Joanna came over while we were outside trying to get GG's kite in the air. It wasn't windy enough today. Then J went to work and Joanna left. I made dinner for GG and I we had cold pasta it was easy and not hot! Then we went over to Belinda and Ellie's house for a Easter egg hunt in the backyard. There was 48 eggs!! GG had a lot of fun finding them but she had even more fun eating the candy in them! After that we went out to see J at work to give him some candy from the Easter egg hunt. We came home and the kids took a bubble bath and then we read books. Now they are playing and I am here. They are both tired as am I. Oh yeah J has a interview with his second choice Thursday and he found out today that he is 3rd on their list. So we'll see what happens.

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